Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Yesterday (Monday July 13) I had two Spanish tests. One a written exam, the other an oral exam.

I am happy to say that I recieved a 90% on a thirty minute oral exam. And I feel good about my written exam. Unfortunatly, I am still waiting to revieve my score from the written exam.

Thanks so much all who are praying for me!

Well, It's bed time! I am going to Alajualita tomorrow morning to play with the kids. And classes in the afternoon.



"Blessed to be a Blessing!"

1 comment:

  1. hey bubba... FINALLY... we were having trouble getting to the blog... but with your mom's help we got to it... now hopefully we won't have any problems getting back.... i don't know if you're gonna get this but at least i thought i'd try... if not, then we will keep doin facebook.... miss ya lots... be careful.... we love ya lots.... aunt pam
